About Common Wealth Enterprises
Expect Uncommon Results
A lot of consultants make promises about their ability to get your business results. And they may, in one or two specific domains.
But, with our 24 step business acceleration process, we're geared to looking at your business in it's totality. From customer acquisition to cost-containment, we design systems that will help you generate more revenue, while decreasing operating costs.
What kind of business doesn't want more money and higher margins?
An Uncommon Approach
We excel not only because or our 24 step business acceleration process, but also because of our commitment to social, economic, and community value-creation. Because when all stakeholders win, the business win.
We do this by building, collaborating with, and supporting the growth of enterprises through the integration of community values, creative action, and entrepreneurial approaches. Because we believe in doing good, while doing well.
Uncommon Focus
Common Wealth Enterprises focuses on three core activities:
- Organizational design, development, and creation
- Entrepreneurial - and intrapreneurial - education, advocacy, and outreach
- Early-stage investment and portfolio management
What do organizations like these have in common? The need to achieve uncommon results, quickly.
So, if you're ready to grow your business, your profits, and your impact, contact us now to see how we might be able to help you.
Our Services
Using our proprietary 24 step business acceleration process, Common Wealth Enterprises assists its portfolio companies and clients in organizational design, operational strategy, and project management.
Let us help:
Driving sustainable change is not possible without first bridging the gap between vision and execution. We'll work closely with you to eliminate this gap and maximize impact.
Core Values
Economic Liberty
Economies don't work if people don't participate. Everyone should have the freedom to participate in economic exchange in the manner that best suits their abilities and interests. This guarantees more motivated producers and better products. We believe in eliminating artificial restrictions that prevent potential producers from entering the market, and in helping people fulfill their optimum economic potential by showing them how they can make use of their talents and resources. By adding those talents and resources to the market, we enrich both the market itself and our communities as a whole. It's all part of building a better future.
Creative Action
Everyone talks about innovation and we all know we need it. We happen to believe you should live it, too. We look for people who have dynamic and original ideas for business and show them how to turn those ideas into profitable, sustainable business solutions that work for them. And all the while, we ensure that those ideas are developed in ways that benefit not only the originators, but their communities as a whole. We live in an age of untold innovation - and sometimes it seems like all the blank spaces on the map have been filled in. That's why we go out to the edge and find the dragons.
It's not enough to just exist anymore. It never really was. Just as economic liberty expresses every individual's right to participate in valuable economic and social endeavors, stewardship expresses the concomitant responsibility to do so. Humanity as a whole possesses a singular power over the fate of all life on planet earth - most of all our own. Not only do we possess a moral responsibility to ensure that earth enjoys a bright and productive future, but it is also in our best interest to do so. By helping to ensure the creation of businesses that are not only profitable, but also economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable, we express our commitment to building a better, brighter world for the generations who come after us.
Creative action and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. Where creative action is all about having ideas and the will to put them into practice, entrepreneurship is the business acumen and leadership necessary to make those ideas into successfully marketable products. We know what entrepreneurship is all about, because we're entrepreneurs ourselves - and one of the reasons we got into this business in the first place is so that we can help other people foster their own pioneering spirit. We provide tools and talent to help our fellow entrepreneurs make the most of the innovation they already possess.
The meaning of humanity transcends mere biology. We know that every person possesses the spirit of creation, the spark that drives all of us to be more than we are. People aren't just commodities - they have intrinsic value, and they deserve to be allowed to express their abilities in whatever form that value takes, and in whatever way best suits their talents and motivations. The more we help people express their skills, the more they can help us, and the more value they add to any endeavor they participate in. Fostering this spirit of shared, creative humanity, we enrich not only ourselves, but everyone. Every person is like a candle - and when we strike enough sparks, we can light the world.
We've Proudly Served
Quantum Medical Concepts
Quantum Medical Concepts is a partnership of the Michigan State Medical Society and Common Wealth Enterprises. Through this partnership Quantum provides early-stage investment funding to Michigan companies in the medical technology sector.
Our business model is unique-in addition to investing between $50,000 and $150,000 in startup funding, we provide access to more than 15,000 medical professionals and active management support for our portfolio companies. This allows us to quickly identify and support products and companies that have a high likelihood of success.
Through our proven startup management process and commitment to being forward-thinking, energetic, and dedicated, Quantum portfolio companies have a clear advantage.
The Center for New Enterprise Opportunity (NEO Center)
Starting a new business is like planting a garden. It takes a great deal of effort, patience, and just the right conditions to make it flourish. The NEO Center is like a greenhouse - It provides the ideal situation for a new business to grow. The NEO Center not only provides spaces sized to meet the physical and financial needs of nascent businesses, its staff also aid entrepreneurs in setting goals that quantify their success. Additionally, the NEO Center creates anenvironment where leaders can meet and network, allowing its clients to find other growing businesses that provide the services they need to grow, elegantly providing each client with a ready-made source of customers, partners, and affiliates.
The NEO Center is an amazingly beneficial investment for us, and we for them. We help businesses grow in socially responsible and economically intelligent ways, and they provide businesses with the necessary tools to get started in the first place. By aligning ourselves with NEO Center, we get to start shaping responsible, successful businesses from the ground up. Seamless integration between our organizations allows us to not only grow better businesses, but to immeasurably enrich the communities in which those businesses flourish.
Physicians Review
Physicians Review is an independent review organization in the health care industry. Within 12 months of working Physicians Review, we doubled revenue to $3M and cut costs through upgraded infrastructure, updated branding, and improved marketing.
Live PreviewGood Fruit Video
Good Fruit got its start in 2009 producing promotional videos for businesses and municipalities. Since then, they've built an outstanding reputation for their high impact promotional web videos, and have consistently demonstrated an exceptional sense of community by making their team available for pro-bono work to help local non-profits and promote community events.
Their penchant using their skills for the benefit of the community made Good Fruit a natural partner for Common Wealth Enterprises. We're worked with Good Fruit Video to help them refine their business practices and enhance their ability to continue to serve both their clients and their community. By analyzing and adjusting their business processes and marketing strategies, we were able to help ensure that Good Fruit's community involvement is a part of their growth strategy rather than just a result of it.
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Get in Touch
If you're ready to take your business to the next level by accelerating growth, decreasing costs, and growing margins, get in touch. We'd love the opportunity to work with you!